"The purpose of art is to wash the dust of daily life from our souls"

Pablo Picasso

Please click on a picture to open the gallery:

Ölgemälde, oil painting, landschaft, landscape, Atelier Prill
Landscapes in Oil
Ölgemälde, Oil painting, Geschichte, History, Atelier Prill
Impressions in Oil

Kunst, Gemälde, Ölgemälde, Oil Paintings, Art, Ausstellung, Exhibition, Atelier Prill
Animal Portraits
Kunst, Art, Gemälde, Painting, Atelier Prill

Atelier Ingrid Prill   Große Straße 96   27283 Verden

Tel.: 0174-3114577   contact@atelier-prill.de

instagram: atelier.prill   www.atelier-prill.de

Kunst, Art, Gemälde, Painting, Ölgemälde, Oil Painting, Galerie, Gallery, Atelier Prill